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Amber Haider ☑

Mindset & Confidence Coach

I’m an educator, coach, fitness professional, mom of 4 and pro/am ballroom dancer, with a Bachelor’s Degree in Education and Life Coaching certifications. When I turned 40, I had a coaching business I was growing and my kids were all in school so on a whim, I decided to try ballroom dancing. I credit the Life Coaching tools I was using in my practice for my ability to navigate the ups and downs of ballroom dancing. I have learned that our mind drama is what limits our ability to express our talent and training to the fullest. Many dancers start out loving it, and then somewhere down the line they find themselves miserable. When I coach you, we leverage joy, but we also want to be really, really good at dancing! So we remove interferences like self doubt, comparison, and negative self talk and increase confidence, resilience, and mental and emotional control.

Services Offered

Mindset Expert & Confidence Coach

I’m an expert at helping ballroom dancers free themselves from mental and emotional drama so they can get better faster, have more fun and own the competition floor. We’ll work together on four main areas to make you a strong, resilient, confident dancer in a short amount of time. They are: confidence, motivation, emotional regulation & concentration.

The Ballroom State of Mind Podcast

A podcast hosted by Amber Haider where we talk dance and we talk life, so you can win more at both! Topics range from all or nothing thinking to learning how to mentally rehearse and building your confidence bank and understanding how to emotionally regulate. Available on apple podcasts & android. 

Media & Speaker

I am passionate about sharing my expertise on mindset with ballroom dancers. I love to assist coaches, studio owners, and professionals in creating strong, emotionally resilient dancers and so I make time each year for a select number speaking opportunities. If you’d like to book me for your podcast, workshop, conference or private event, schedule a call above.

Ballroom Mindset Free Training

If nerves or anxiety are sabotaging you, if you stress out and feel pressure about the outcome, or if you just want to know some strategies to help you compete better and stronger, don’t miss my free training. This brief training will show you how and why a setback in your competition doesn’t have to ruin everything that comes after.

Ballroom State of Mind Podcast
Imposter Syndrome
3 Mental Comp Skills

Testimonials & Endorsements

Amber would dig deep in subtle ways to uncover why I was having these anxieties in different areas, such as results, messing up on the floor, having my attention on others instead of being with myself. I’m much more relaxed on the floor now and enjoying the process instead of focusing on the result. I’m not as hard on myself in practice and being more patient with the learning and practice process.


“Amber gave me the best, most useful advice. Simple, yet profound. She said “Decide ahead of time how you will feel after competing.” | decided to feel proud of myself. At my most recent competition Amber’s advice was in the back of my mind all the time. Decide ahead of time how you will feel. I felt proud. I stood a little taller and my movements were sharper. Instead of being anxious, I relaxed a bit and enjoyed myself. I was and am proud of myself. It really made a difference.”


“Amber helped me understand how to act on situations instead of letting them act on me. She gently but firmly challenged the mindset I was taking into competitions and showed me how I could let my intentions rule the day instead of my emotions. I find myself constantly returning to the concepts we discussed in our conversations – for dance competitions as well as every day life situations!”
